Sunday, 23 September 2007

Tumbling Lesser Kestrels

One of the highlights of staying in our house in Alcala for me are the Lesser Kestrels. Despite being largely summer visitors to Europe, a few of these charismatic birds are present throughout the winter around Alcala. Come February - which is hardly the spring let alone the height of summer - they can be present in good numbers. With 40 or 50 over the whole village there are often a few dozen bouncing around above the terrace at this time. Keeping up a cheerful chatter, constantly playing tag and so full of energy that they constantly race across the skies, they bear an uncanny resemblance to a mob of small children in a school playground! One favourite trick is for the adult males to dive bomb rivals as the hover. There's little doubt that these lads are showing off to the ladies! Superb views can be obtained of the birds as they perch on the trees opposite the house particularly from the bathroom. You do get some strange looks, though, as you scuttle up to the loo armed with binoculars, camera and telephoto lens!

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